I don't see the Watchtower Company going down the drain anytime soon. I would guess that what they have done to lower costs far exceeds the costs of losing thousands of Witnesses every year. In fact, the lost of Witnesses has lowered their costs more enabling the sale of kingdom halls. Just think, after two years they are just going to reprint the same public Watchtower and Awake rags with no new information.
If the scandal for child molesters gets worse and more well known, that will cause an increase in the people leaving, but they will survive. Look at the Catholic Church to prove the point.
The Witnesses are so gullible...anything the Gibbering Body tells them is like from God's mouth. The majority of them will not believe any negative news reports. The witnesses that I know are very upbeat about the latest information.
I think that the new instructions to not waste the rags on people who aren't coming to any meetings will be a big problem because most Witlesses can't defend what they believe, many don't even know what they believe. There will be a dampening on the preaching work.